How International Services, Inc. And Our Related Companies Can Help
International Services, Inc. reviews your business and gives your manufacturing company a “physical” to help you produce maximum profits in manufacturing by effective application of advanced methods in the following: modern-day marketing, financial planning, administration, operations, production and maintenance.
International Services, Inc. and our related companies can assist you in controlling operating expenses and reducing costs thereby yielding profits—if you take the time revise your operations, you can make it happen. International Services, Inc. and our related companies puts systems in place to assure profits.
Take a moment to answer the following questions. If you answer “no” to any of these questions, give International Services, Inc. and our related companies the chance to help you improve your marketing, financial planning, administration, management, production, maintenance techniques and more.
Modern-Day Marketing
- Is your marketing area exactly defined?
- Is profitability known by account, salesman and product?
- Are present distribution channels best?
- Have you established definite sales policies?
- Can you measure the effects of present sales promotions and advertising?
- Are sales coordinated with production?
- Are you obtaining your share of the market?
- Are sales costs in line?
Financial Planning
- Is working capital adequate?
- Are satisfactory outside lines of credit established?
- Are key financial ratios in line?
- Do you have effective budgetary controls?
- Do you have short-term and long-term financial planning in place?
- Do you employ cash flow forecasts to assure liquidity to meet obligations?
- Is authority and responsibility among key personnel clearly defined?
- Are specific policies established to coordinate all functions?
- Is pertinent cost and performance information passed on to key personnel for their particular accountability areas?
- Is your inventory control coordinated with sales forecasting and production needs?
- Do you have sound credit and collection policies?
- Do your office procedures and paperwork provide for smooth flow and good control?
- Do you need improvements in warehousing?
- Can you improve plant layout, work flow and work scheduling?
- Do your productivity and material costs need review?
- Can you improve personnel recruitment, training and assignment?
- Do you have dependable manning tables?
- Do you have a specific maintenance program?
- Are your heating and air conditioning costs excessive?
- Do you check housekeeping costs and performance on a regular basis?
- Does “crisis” repair and maintenance exist?
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